Thursday, December 2, 2010

How do I relate to faith? How did Don Richardson relate to Faith? How do the Sawi relate to faith?

Faith, according to what I consider as the Truth, is "confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." My life relates this this faith in every way possible because my existence wholly depends on this faith. Even though I cannot physically see God, I trust and know with all my heart that there is a Creator of this universe, and that this Creator is also my Father. This is the faith that Don Richardson, just as all other Christians, relates to. Specifically in his book "The Peace Child," there are several instances which manifest Don Richardson's faith in God. The most obvious example is that he was convicted God wanted him to move with his family to the land of the Sawi, and as a result of this faith ended up becoming a missionary to Papa New Guinea, turning the Sawi people to God. The Sawi people also relate to a faith, but in the beginning of the story this faith is not the same faith as Don Richardson. However, the definition still applies. They are confident in what they hope for (in betraying of their own Sawi brothers and sisters) and assurance about what they do not see (that this act of betrayal is the honorable thing to do). I believe that it is safe to say that most humans who posses a developed brain to some extent has faith in one thing or another, whether it be gravity, God, or the concept of betrayal.

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